Music Theory

“Music is a language, and music theory is its vocabulary and its grammar. This course is for an understanding of the basic building blocks of musical theory and notation. The complication of course gives you the knowledge and confidence you need for further musical growth.”

music theory classes in Chennai


This level of Music theory classes for the beginner course is specially designed for the start-up in the Music theory. Music theory class has a syllabus in the way to develop basic music notation, time signatures, and note values, Instrumental components, and notation. Students will gain the ability to identify music notation, harmony, and instrumental characteristics within a multi-instrumental score.These 12-month Music Theory classes are divided into four levels Primary, Debut, Grade 1 & 2. 


This level of Music theory classes is for the candidates who have mastered the key skills up to Grade 2. Music theory has a syllabus in the way to develop Music notation modification, harmony, stylistic traits, and instrumental characteristics, Score interpretation to make appropriate harmony choices for improvised music, and interpret improvisational directions. How to analyze, identify and modify music notation, harmony, stylistic traits, and Instrumental characteristics within a multi-instrumental score. These 18-month Music Theory classes are dived into three levels Grade 3,4 & 5. 

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Best Music theory class in velachery


This level of Music theory classes is for the candidates who have mastered the key skills up to Grade 5. Music theory has a syllabus in the way to develop instrumental characteristics within a multi-instrumental score & how to interpret a score to make a range of appropriate harmony choices for improvised music and interpret improvisational directions while demonstrating stylistic awareness. These 24-month Music Theory classes are dived into three levels Grade 6,7 & 8.

Benefit of Theory

Will be able to better identify chord progressions, which will result in giving you a good idea of what scales, phrases, 

and arpeggios will go well with any specific composition sequence.